So imagine you post a picture on your social media. And bammmm! You are all of a sudden famous. What would you do? Some are attracted to this idea, and I would lie if I'd say I wasn't. But I was a bit shocked when I saw an artmirrorselfie hanging in an exhibition. But let's don't rush so fast forward! In today's online world pictures and words travel faster than ever. This is why I am always careful about what and how I post. One day ArtMirrorSelfies was tagged on a photo of a corner of a picture frame. Well...weird, but whatever. People are weird. Then weeks later it was tagged again by the same person on a blurry, half-done painting talking about "details" in Spanish. Still weird. "Am I being scammed somehow?" - I was wondering. Then again a couple of weeks later I was tagged on pictures of an opening, in a gallery with similar style paintings, and all of the paintings had the same topic: Art Mirror Selfies. This is how I found Chuli Herrera -...
Fun facts about art. With selfies.