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Showing posts from June, 2020

Surprise from a stranger - meeting Chuli Herrera

So imagine you post a picture on your social media. And bammmm! You are all of a sudden famous. What would you do? Some are attracted to this idea, and I would lie if I'd say I wasn't. But I was a bit shocked when I saw an artmirrorselfie hanging in an exhibition. But let's don't rush so fast forward! In today's online world pictures and words travel faster than ever. This is why I am always careful about what and how I post. One day ArtMirrorSelfies was tagged on a photo of a corner of a picture frame. Well...weird, but whatever. People are weird. Then weeks later it was tagged again by the same person on a blurry, half-done painting talking about "details" in Spanish. Still weird. "Am I being scammed somehow?" - I was wondering. Then again a couple of weeks later I was tagged on pictures of an opening, in a gallery with similar style paintings, and all of the paintings had the same topic: Art Mirror Selfies. This is how I found Chuli Herrera -...

First official on AAW

As you will see there were many first ArtMirrorSelfies. In 2016, I was in between two countries and as I did not want to let go of my passion for art, I started to look for opportunities to become an insider of art venues (it still didn't happen haha). This is how I ended up volunteering for the Amsterdam Art Weekend . If you are new to them: a whole weekend, when plenty of galleries open up, organize special events to show contemporary art for everyday visitors. Their goal is the same as mine:  to show that contemporary art is not something that you have to be distant of.  It's for everyone, even if "nevermind-i-dont-understand-it-anyway" By this time I had a couple of art mirror selfies so I thought it would be nice to dedicate a page for them. Not mentioning the inspiration coming from the artworks around me. That year in Capital C Amsterdam, independent Dutch collections were showcased for the public. The "Collectors view" presenter pie...

The First Art Mirror Selfie

Close your eyes! Imagine the not-yet-open exhibition space. It's calm and quiet. No visitors inside yet, but from the outside, you can hear that things start to move and in one hour this space is going to be filled with artists, visitors, and people from the art scene. The air is spiced with anticipation in the silence. The space is waiting. This was my favorite moment when I went out to shoot footage on an opening. When I was lucky I had enough time to chose my fav piece before the show was open. I remember walking around in the exhibition of Ernő Tolvaly - Miraculous System in the Ludwig Museum, in different colored rooms with huge paintings in them. It was the same exhibition just as the pic in my first post.  MIRACULOUS SYSTEM - ERNŐ TOLVALY RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION - Ludwig Museum, Budapest 2014. "Ernő Tolvaly, an enigmatic figure of Hungarian art life, is primarily known for his artistic activity involving painting. In spite of his quiet personality, he exert...

Who's in the mirror

Hey there! Welcome! Nice that you are here and I hope you'll enjoy this little art project! In this blog, I am inviting you to think and talk about art. But first, let me tell you a bit about this project and how it all began... In 2017, when I moved to the Netherlands, I set up my Insta page ArtMirrorSelfies during the Amsterdam Art Weekend. As an intellectual mocking glass (mocking the mirror selfie situation), Art MirrorSelfies (aka me) would like to tell you about the art piece or artist through the medium of the mirror selfie. As you are going to see, as perspectives change, the perception of the art piece might change as well. I also sprinkle around some fun facts and opinions about the art I see. Why? Because I love art and have a passion for it. ArtMirrorSeflies started way before I posted the first pic on my Instagram feed. Between 2013 and 2016, working as a Cultural reporter in Budapest ( <3 ) I visited 3 exhibitions a week. At least. Being Millennial, taking photos ...